国际 & 国内项目医疗保险


在校外学习期间, all students must maintain a primary health insurance plan that meets the required amounts of medical and accident coverage equal to or better than the 皇冠体育大学 Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). While the amounts of coverage in SHIP are used as a guideline, please note that SHIP is not specifically designed for off-campus students. 学生 should review their primary medical insurance coverage, along with any supplemental insurance provided by their program and/or 皇冠体育大学 to determine if coverage is sufficient to meet their individual needs while off-campus.  学生们可能会发现, 当他们在校外的时候, another policy may more adequately meet their primary health needs.

Specific questions regarding medical insurance should be directed to your primary insurance provider or program program, 在适用情况下.

国际项目, 皇冠体育大学 as well as many program providers include some type of medical and emergency insurance coverage for the duration of the program, which most often functions as supplemental insurance in tandem with your primary insurance.

Domestic program participants will not receive supplemental insurance, however they should check to see whether their insurance covers them in the state where the program is located and if this coverage is sufficient. 学生 participating in a domestic program may need to purchase additional insurance if their current coverage is not sufficient. 的 皇冠体育大学 Student Health Insurance Plan 涵盖加州以外的学生, either through their network of providers or as out-of-network.

克莱蒙特学院' Insurance for 国际 Program Participants

All students participating in international programs (both Approved 项目 and 项目 by Petition) will receive supplemental emergency medical and evacuation insurance through 克莱蒙特学院 国际 Travel Insurance, in addition to any supplemental insurance provided by their program provider. Please note that the insurance included is supplemental only and students must maintain a primary insurance plan as noted above. 的 coverage extends two weeks before and after the official dates of your program.

Does your program sponsor provide insurance? 这足够吗??

Your program may include a mandatory health insurance plan in the program fee. If insurance is included with your program, please contact your program provider directly to find out more information about the specific plan in order to determine if coverage is sufficient for your own individual needs. Keep in mind that the policy may be restricted to the dates of your academic program. Remember to inquire about this if you plan to travel prior to or following your program. 在某些情况下, program providers may be able to extend the dates of coverage beyond the dates of the program for you for a minimal fee.

I need additional health insurance-- how do I find a plan?

的re are a couple of resources we recommend for information on international health insurance. 的 国际 Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers has a 旅游健康保险指南. 美国.S. 国务院有关于 海外保险公司.

Questions you should ask insurance providers:

  • Does the plan cover visits to the doctor or medication prescribed while abroad?
  • Does the plan include hospitalization coverage for accidents and illnesses while abroad?
  • Does the plan include coverage for pre-existing conditions?
  • Does the plan include mental health coverage?
  • What is the maximum amount of coverage that is provided?
  • 有免赔额吗? 如果有,它们是什么?
  • Will the plan include 紧急 Room expenses?
  • What is the coverage for medical evacuation?
  • In the event of death, what is the coverage for repatriation?
  • What do you do under the plan if you have to pay cash up front and have no money?
  • Does the plan enable you to have continuous coverage before, during, and after you go abroad?
  • Does the plan cover expenses incurred in the U.S. (or home country) should you need to return for treatment? If so, what is the maximum amount of coverage provided?
  • What are the procedures for filing a claim? 报销需要多长时间?
  • 计划什么时候开始和结束?
  • Does the plan assume it is the primary or secondary carrier? If it is the secondary carrier, when does coverage begin? How much does the primary carrier have to pay before the secondary carrier assumes coverage?
  • 这个计划有什么例外吗?
  • Is there a booklet explaining the coverage in detail?

Other things you need to know about the plan you select:

  • 注册的流程是什么?
  • If you find it necessary to use your insurance, what do you show as proof of worldwide coverage?
  • If you obtain medical assistance while abroad, when and how should you inform the agency?
  • What documentation of expenses is required? Does the bill need to be in English and the amount of the charges in U.S. 美元?